Words like sacred and serene seem to barely scratch the surface. From start to finish this trip was magical, mystical and full of miracles.
I drove to Sedona with two friends. We rented a car and hit the road from the East Bay. About an hour outside of Sedona we stopped for gas and the three of us immediately felt the energetic shift. Upon arriving to Sedona, every full parking lot we pulled into, instantly provided an empty space when a car would pull out right in front of us. Each time we had a question, a guide appeared, any time we wondered what next, the path opened up. We stayed in the flow and ended up in the most magnificent places, with magical people. We found ourselves off the beatin’ path most of the time. We enjoyed exquisite selections at the absolutely delicious ChocolaTree and Local Juicery!
We invited in and were present for the miracles to unfold. The trip was a prayer in itself. There was one last place we were told about. We just knew we couldn’t leave Sedona without experiencing it. We followed the direction, parked and began walking. With hiking sticks in hand we headed toward the huge mountain in front of us and as we walked farther and father we all knew we were headed in the wrong direction.
Should we just turn back and forget it? We had to drive to Phoenix to drop off the rental car and catch our flight home to SFO. We had an hour.
Then time stood still for us. A woman and man approached us on the trail coming from the other direction. We asked her if she might know of and point us in the direction to the cave we were looking for. She asked us how we knew about that spot. We told her about the woman we had met on our first day in Sedona and the information she shared with us. Most don’t know about this cave and only those who are supposed to know, find it. She tells us after she stares into each of our eyes for at least 20 seconds. We must have checked out OK because she said nothing else except, “I’ll take you there.” We followed her through the terrain. We were no longer on a trail. We hike, we sweat, we slip, fall and bleed. And we arrive. And we lay down and fly away and experience something words cannot recount.
The lady with the enchanting eyes says, "Be careful you're very close to the edge. I know you want to fly." I am so close but it doesn't phase me. I have always loved birds.
I nearly touch the sky.
Something magnificent is birthed.
We arrive to our gate in Phoenix with 2 minutes to spare.
You can’t make up this magic.
I am forever changed. xo -a