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You Changed My Life Today

Writer's picture: amyvanlingeamyvanlinge

I heard her voice on the other end of the phone line this week.

"You changed my life today."

What more in life could I ever aspire to if not to touch someone’s life? 

This is not only a blessing to me, but I view it as an awesome privilege. 

As a life coach and spiritual leader I have the opportunity and honor to share intimate and

profound conversations with others. Oftentimes these conversations lead to new

awareness, insights, and breakthroughs. I love every minute of that process.

I don’t proclaim to have the answers for anyone.

Most of the time I have no idea what will be presented to me and I’m not sure that I’ll always

know what to say...

What I do know is that there is a power greater than myself and that power always works

through and as me, knowing exactly what words are needed (and also when words are not needed).  

This recent conversation I had wasn’t in my usual life coach setting. 

It showed up as a divine reminder for me. 

I had been wondering lately, contemplating direction about some things in my life. 

What I have always known to be true is that when I get out of my head and drop into my

heart, I’m in the flow. I’ve always called this “practicing the pause.” It’s basically taking

a moment to pause, breathe, feel, hear and move from my head into my heart. That’s one

way I align myself.

You see, I was about to hold back in this conversation when I felt that nudge to share this

particular, personal story. AND I almost hesitated…

The thing is. 

I’ve learned that when spirit guides me, it’s best for me and everyone if I listen. So I did. 

I had no idea that what I said would make an impact. 

And later she called to say, “You changed my life today.”

This was my beautiful reminder and in reminding myself, reminding anyone else who

needs to hear it today-

YOU are the gift, YOU are the light of the world, keep doing YOU right where you are. When we show up, authentically, as ourselves, this is where our power lives.

Your truth, your authenticity is the gift you are here to share.

You just never know when you’ll have a profound impact on someone’s life. 

There, but for the grace of God, go I. xo -a

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